Research Engagement Blueprint Document
The TF-RED Blueprint document describes what research engagement is as a topic and provides basic information to act as foundation for research engagement professionals to conduct their work.
Actual Date:
Grant Agreement No.:
Work Package
Task Item:
Task 4
Nature of Deliverable:
O (Other)
Dissemination Level:
PU (Public)
Lead Partner:
GÉANT Association
Document ID:
TF-RED Blueprint
C. Atherton (GÉANT), Juraj Bilić (CARNet), Meoli Kashorda (KENET), Carina Kemp (AARNet), Olga Popcova (RENAM), Koen Schelkens (Belnet)
© GÉANT Association on behalf of the GN4-3 project.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 856726 (GN4-3).
Last updated
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