

Web information can vary in format from text to images, videos, audio transcripts and much more. Accessibility is about providing equitable access to web content by catering to different learning and processing needs. This is achieved by incorporating design features into web content so it can be used by everyone, but particularly those with disabilities.

“The power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.” - Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

This article will cover:

  • Basic accessibility measures

  • Web Content Standards (WCAG)

  • Accessibility statements

  • Accessibility review tools


Basic accessibility measures include providing different formats for the same material so that it can be used in different ways. Basic elements include:

  • Text transcripts or closed captions for audio-visual content;

  • Text descriptions of visual images or content;

  • Colour and contrast considerations for visual content;

  • Readable and consistent font sizes.

These elements mean that web content can be used by people with disabilities and learning differences so that information can be equally accessed.

More advanced features incorporated into the design of webpages and tools can be found in the Advanced section.


Coming soon:

  • Standards (WCAG)

  • Accessibility statements


Coming soon:

  • Accessibility review tools

Last updated